Tim Ryan KC
- tryan@8pt.com.au
- 07 3211 4051
- 07 3369 7098
Areas of Practice
- Criminal Law
- Administrative Law
- Disciplinary Proceedings
- Sports Law
- Personal Injuries Law
- Workplace Law
- Commissions of Inquiry/Inquests

Professional History
Tim Ryan KC took silk in 2022. Tim has been practising as a barrister for more than three decades. He began his career as a prosecutor at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and moved to the private bar in 1999. Tim’s practice includes appearing for defendants in the most difficult of criminal work – mostly homicide trials, criminal appeals, prosecuting and defending those charged with regulatory offences, including under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, and appearing as counsel assisting the Parole Board in “no body – no parole” matters.
Tim also appears at inquests and commissions of inquiry as well as the Industrial Court, the Industrial Relations Commission, the Mental Health Court, the Racing Appeals Tribunal and QCAT.
Tim regularly contributes to the education of the legal profession in many ways, including by teaching advocacy in the Bar Practice Course and in the delivery of seminars for the purposes of continuing legal education.
Tim is an extremely experienced advocate, who applies diligence and industry to all matters in which he is briefed, regardless of their complexity.
Selected Notable Cases and Successful Appeals
Tim appeared for the defendant Anne Maree Lee in 2019, who was sentenced for the manslaughter of her son, Mason. He appeared for the defendant Peniamena in 2021, who was acquitted of murder but convicted of manslaughter on the basis of provocation. He appeared for the defendant Emmerson in 2022, who was acquitted of felony murder and convicted of manslaughter on the basis of criminal negligence.
R v CAU [2010] QCA 46 – an appeal against conviction for the offences of incest and sexual assault. Tim argued that the trial judge’s directions were inadequate. The appeal was allowed, the convictions quashed and a re-trial was ordered.
McNamara v Queensland Police Service [2013] QCA 100, in which a plea of guilty was set aside.
R v Cormack [2013] QCA 342, in which the appeal against a conviction for arson was allowed and a verdict of acquittal entered because the guilty verdict was unreasonable.
R v ID [2013] QCA 215, in which the appeal against convictions for sexual offences were allowed and verdicts of acquittal entered because the guilty verdicts were unreasonable.
R v VI [2013] QCA 218, in which fresh evidence adduce on appeal was considered sufficient to justify a retrial of the charges of indecent treatment of a child.
R v WBA [2015] QCA 21, in which the appeal against convictions for sexual offences was allowed and verdict of acquittal entered because the original guilty verdicts were unreasonable.
Cummins v Guilfoyle [2021] QDC 127, in which a conviction for the offence of intimidation was quashed.